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For decades, Geospace has delivered robust data acquisition systems of all scales. Our Permanent Reservoir Monitoring (PRM) solutions were the first in the world to provide a 4D understanding of marine reservoirs.

Today, our P3RM systems provide Passive, Persistent, Permanent Reservoir Monitoring in order to have real-time awareness of the seismic expression of a reservoir as a result of the injection or extraction of fluids. We achieve the finest in subsurface domain awareness through SADAR®, our compact, phased array technology that enables enhanced monitoring performance with a reduced sensor footprint.

Combined with our Optoseis® fiber optic sensing technology, we are now equipped to disrupt the active and passive seismic monitoring markets.

Image shown above taken from the Carbon Management Canada Newell County Facility where Geospace and subsidiary Quantum participate in the Joint Industry Partnership (JIP).

Seismic Soundoff


Don Lawton of Carbon Management Canada and Mark Tinker of Quantum Technology Sciences discuss the latest technological advances for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).

This cutting-edge conversation on CCUS technology highlights the need to accelerate the development and implementation of CCUS technologies, illustrates the impact of better carbon storage monitoring technologies, and outlines how to overcome the challenges to scale. Mark discusses real-field applications of passive seismic technology.

Information Request

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