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Technology Thought Leadership Published in First Break

April 3, 2023 geospace

Geospace Technologies continues to drive thought leadership on reservoir monitoring and characterization technologies.  The company recently published two articles in the April issue of First Break, the leading publication in Europe serving the geoscience and engineering community. The publication is read worldwide as an authoritative source of relevant news, features, analysis, and accessible technical information.

In an article published by Geospace subsidiary Quantum Technology Sciences summarizes several fundamental results from a year of continuous monitoring of at an active carbon storage facility in Canada using the SADAR permanent array network. The piece includes an updated seismic velocity model determined from ground truth calibration events, the observed seismicity derived from the curated year-long bulletin, and quantified estimates of system performance. In particular, the bulletin includes more than 560 analyst-verified located events excluding those at the surface, with at least 200 considered to be well-located.

The second article authored by Geospace Board Director Tom Davis, PhD addresses how industry and academia are working together to bring innovation in reservoir characterization. He encourages the use of seismic monitoring for better development of shale reservoirs.

First Break

Featured Article Details

Performance and outlook for the SADAR array network at the Newell County facility

Authors Paul A. NyffeneggerJian ZhangElige B. GrantDerek QuigleyKevin D. HutchensonMark A. TinkerDon C. Lawton and Marie Macquet


Bringing change to shale reservoir development By Tom Davis

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