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Aquanaut™ Extended Duration Deepwater Node

Aquanaut™: Ocean Bottom Recorder


Featuring 10Hz geophones, Aquanaut™ is designed for extended-duration seabed ocean bottom seismic data acquisition. Nodes can be deployed in depths exceeding 3,048 meters (10,000ft) with continuous recording for up to 200 days.


  • Continuous, cable-free 4C autonomous recording
  • Low frequency 10 Hz geophones
  • Battery module: 200 days operation
  • Built-in, full-resolution test generator
  • Solid-state flash memory: 32 GB per channel
  • Internal Heading Sensor
    • 3 Component Magnetic Sensor
    • ±5° Accuracy
    • Measurements written to header every 2,000 samples

GS-ONE OMNI 10 Hz Geophone


Moving Mass 13.2g 0.466 oz
Maximum coil excursion p-p 6.10 mm 0.240 in.
Minimum coil excursion p-p 0.89 mm 0.035 in.
Diameter 30.5 mm 1.2 in.
Height 43.2 mm 1.7 in.
Weight 125 g 4.40 oz
Operating and Storage Temperature Range –40°C to +100°C –40°F to +212°F


All parameters are specified with 7.5 kΩ load at 25°C in all tilt positions unless otherwise stated.

Frequency 10 Hz
Spurious Frequency 150 Hz
Open Circuit Sensitivity 100V/m/s (2.55 V/i/s)
Resistance with Shunt 2500 Ω
Sensitivity at 70% Damping 85 V/m/s (2.15 V/in/s)
Total Damping 70%
Distortion at all tilt angles <0.2% measured at 12 Hz with 0.1 in/s p-p



Maximum Operating Pressure 30.4 MPa (4,400 psi)
Maximum Working Depth 3,048 m   (10,000 ft.)
Operating Temperature Range1 –10 to +75°C (+14 to 167°F)


Nominal Capacitance(at 25°C 1atm) 10.0 nanofarads
Voltage Sensitivity2 8.9 μV/μBar
Sensitivity (dBv ref 1μPa @ 25°C) –201 dB re 1V/μPa
Frequency Response (into 2 MΩ load) 1 –30,000 Hz


Metric US
Length 358 mm 14.1 in.
Width 222 mm 8.8 in.
Height 118 mm 4.7 in.
Weight in Air 18 kg 39.6 lbs.
Weight in Seawater 12 kg 26.4 lbs.
Maximum Operating Pressure 30.4 MPa/304 Bar 4,400 psi
Maximum Operating Depth 3,048 M 10,000 ft.
Operating Temperature Range –5°C to +60°C +23°F to +140°F
Storage Temperature Range –10°C to +60°C +14°F to +140°F


Digitized 4C Recording Station: 4 Channel, 24 Bit A/D Digitizer 3C Orthogonal oriented GS-One OMNI 10Hz -Geophones 1 Hydrophone

Digitization 24-bit Delta-Sigma
Sample Interval 0.5, 1, 2, 4 ms
Pre-amplifier Gains 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 dB
Maximum Input Signal 1.8 Vrms
Equivalent Input noise (@2ms sample interval) 0.12 μVrms
Gain Accuracy Better than 1%
Anti-alias Filter 83% Nyquist
Instantaneous Dynamic Range 129dB @ 2 ms sample interval
THD <0.2%
Distance Between Digitizer & Farthest Sensor <18 cm
Distance Between All Sensors <11 cm
Flash Memory 32 GB per channel
Frequency Response 1 Hz – 825 Hz @ 1/2 ms sample interval
Battery Module 200 days operation


Days 30 60 90 100
Max Uncorrected Drift 2 ms 8 ms 17 ms 21 ms
Corrected Drift < .25 ms < .5 ms 1 ms 1 ms


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